hack value การใช้
- Using things in a unique way outside their intended purpose is often perceived as having hack value.
- Hack value is the notion used by hackers to express that something is worth doing or is interesting.
- "He did it for the hack value, " said Eric Raymond, a programmer who is a well-known Linux evangelist.
- An aspect of hack value is performing feats for the sake of showing that they can be done, even if others think it is difficult.
- A solution or feat has " hack value " if it is done in a way that has finesse, cleverness or brilliance, which makes creativity an essential part of the meaning.
- Some argue that it should not be, due to this negative meaning; others argue that some kludges can, for all their ugliness and imperfection, still have " hack value ".
- "Half of it was the hack value _ it was fun to do, " said Rothwell, a 29-year-old software developer from Holly Springs, N . C . " It's about the prestige you get from the community ."